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The word Homeopathy is derived from the Greek words “Homois”meaning like and “Pathos”meaning suffering. Homeopathy works on the Law of Similars “let like be cured by like”- a substance capable of causing disease of the mind or body in a healthy person can be used in a dilute form as a Homeopathic Remedy to treat similar disorders in an ill individual.  

Disease affects the entire person- body, mind and spirit. Homeopathic medication is selected on holistic principles in order to bring about a cure. Each patient is unique and therefore medication and treatment is specifically designed according to each individual.

Homeopathy is a safe and effective mode of treatment which can be used on infants, elderly patients, patients on other chronic medications as well as during pregnancy.

Homeopaths focus on treating the cause of disease. By treating patients in this manner we can assist in preventing diseases , and not merely treating symptoms of a disease.



© 2015 by The Sacred Touch Health And Wellness Centre (Pty) Ltd

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